Saturday, April 4, 2009

"Glasses can change your life.. especially when they are emptied quickly"

On Tuesday March 31, I was a guest speaker at O'Fallon Township High School's Blizzard. Blizzard is an event that all incoming freshman go to, to learn about high school, the peer pressures that they may face, how to make smart decisions, and the importance of getting involved. As a student of OTHS, I attended Blizzard and was a Blizzard group leader. It was an honor to be invited back.

I had the opportunity to give a speech about my personal story of living with an alcoholic father. I talked to them about how making the decision to get involved with alcohol, or drugs will have its consequences. I paid special attention to make sure that the consequences I was educating them on related to them, such as ; health for the future ( permanent brain damage), not being able to participate in sports or activities, losing drivers licenses, and many other consequences. Most importantly we talked about surrounding ourselves with positive friends who have the same views on alcohol and drugs as we do, getting involved in school clubs and activities, and the importance of knowing your plan to say no before you are confronted with these peer pressures.

I reminded them that as high school starts, so does a new chapter of our lives, and we can be the people we want to be despite anything that has happened to us in the past. I asked the students what they wanted their legacy to be in high school, and reminded them that one bad decision can change our lives forever!

Thank you OTHS for inviting me to Blizzard! I loved participating!

Until next time :) - Jamie

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